Rich Learning Opportunities


First hand experience: what matters to children

First hand experience: what matters to children

Origins of the book

First hand experience: what matters to children originated from findings in a report published in 2004, by ATL. Inside the foundation stage: recreating the reception year by Adams, S., Alexander, E., Drummond, M.J. and Moyles, J.

One of the report’s co-authors, Mary Jane Drummond, is a co-author of First hand experience: what matters to children.

Endorsing the new publication First hand experience: what matters to children, Dr. Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) said,

ATL is well aware of the pressures which prevent many early years professionals from providing the first hand experiences that underpin effective learning for young children. We are therefore delighted that ATL’s initial research on foundation stage practice in reception classes has led to this timely publication.’

To read more about the report,

Inside the foundation stage: recreating the reception year (2004)

London: Association of Teachers and Lecturers


Click here for First hand experience: what matters to children
      What matters to children
      The publication
      The authors
      What Matters to Children
      Trialing the book
      What did trialists say?
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      'What Matters to Children'
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      'Making a difference'
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